Well the reason behind this post is, I was nearly close to believing my son exhibited abnormal behavior as early as 3 years. But certain behavior threw me off guard and led me to convince myself that he's normal. I wish to highlight those symptoms which most parents tend to mis-interpret.This is purely based on my personal experience. Hence, please do NOT substitute this information for professional medical advice.
As most readers of this post already know,ADHD has no quantitative metrics for evaluation. So keen observation from your end and others who interact with your child , is needed. Before you head to a child psychologist for evaluation, its better you equip yourself with as much information as possible.If you are a working parent, gather as much feedback as possible from your child's teacher or caretaker.
As most readers of this post already know,ADHD has no quantitative metrics for evaluation. So keen observation from your end and others who interact with your child , is needed. Before you head to a child psychologist for evaluation, its better you equip yourself with as much information as possible.If you are a working parent, gather as much feedback as possible from your child's teacher or caretaker.
- How hyper can ADHD children get ?
Most toddlers and kindergarten-going-children have boundless energy and are always on the move. So what is so different about the hyperactivity exhibited by kids having ADHD? Well, the level of energy in them is so high that any task which requires even a minute's idleness is herculean for them. This includes brushing,bathing,grooming and even tucking them to sleep.In some cases like mine,they don't have the patience to even finish his toilet or even walk properly.Even till date, my son will not set his foot fully on the floor while walking.
- Hyperactivity doesn't necessarily mean on-wheels-always
It is true that a dictionary would define the word hyperactivity as above, but ADHD kids don't behave always that way. When my son, stopped his endless running,jumping-and-getting-hurt phase, I was relieved that he isn't hyperactive anymore. But he would instead keep blabbering, talking, fidgeting, biting,scratching etc.Looks like his excess energy was channelized into other activities.
- How to identify Attention deficiency?
- Amazing memory,talent and creativity
Now, for all those in a dilemma, I hope this post has thrown some light into the difference between normal and abnormal behavior. Your comments,feedback and experiences are welcome.
ReplyDeleteSame symptoms found in my son, but we were late. Now he is 8yrs old. We(parents) totally suffering b'coz of less concentration on studies and things and delay speech.. Please help us for good tutor or tuition or school. He is having good memory but bit lazy or not interest in concentrating on his own things like brushing, bathing, toilet, dressing, denies to play with other kids in sync, won't laugh with others in sync..
Please help good tuition/school or tutor in Ramnagar Hyderabad or near by ramnagar.
please email me brookebond8@gmail.com
Excellent initiative. I guess, you can help many parents around the globe or even India with this experience. How can I contact you?
ReplyDeleteHi. Thank you so much. I am not a professional though in this area.You can reach me on viji.vishnu86@gmail.com
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